Religious School is held on Sundays at the St. John’s Prep School located at 3989 Buckeystown Pike, Frederick, MD 21704.
Classes begin at 9:30 a.m. for all grades.
At Congregation Kol Ami Religious School we strive to teach our students about:
Jewish Living – Participate in and become familiar with Jewish holidays and customs. Judaism comes alive by participating in these rituals. Understand that we have a responsibility to perform personal acts of g’milut chasadim to make the world a better and holier place.
Torah – Understand how Torah is an ongoing dialogue between the text and its students. Torah is real in our daily lives; it goes with us wherever we are. It teaches us the history of our people, our Mitzvot – our laws and ethics.
Hebrew – Learn the language of Torah, prayer, and the modern state of Israel
Prayer – Experience how to pray from the Siddur; how to pray from the heart; how to pray for the community; how to pray for oneself.
And we encourage our families:
To be involved in Jewish education–their children’s and their own–and be an integral part of their children’s education.
To celebrate Judaism in their homes.
To participate in Jewish community and synagogue life.
Students learn not only facts and tangible subject matter, but also have the chance to explore their values, identities and feelings. One of our chief objectives is to help students learn to celebrate their Jewish identity. This identity will enable students to interact in the modern world as Jews, proud of their Jewish heritage.
The success of our school is evident as so many of our Jewish teens return to our school to become Madrichim (teacher’s assistants). Madrichim not only act as role models for younger students, but continue to learn in Confirmation classes and beyond.
It is our desire that through participation in our school, our students and their families will be drawn closer to Congregation Kol Ami and become more deeply involved in its many vibrant activities. If you have questions about the Religious School, please don’t hesitate to contact Director of Education at .
Safety Protocols:
A parent/guardian should escort their student into the building and sign-in. All adults are welcome and encouraged to attend the morning assembly.
Mask wearing is optional for all children and adults while inside and outside (if preferred).
The school building is sanitized and cleaned nightly.
Children will use the bathroom one at a time.
Please do not send any food containing nut products to school.