Create a team of 8, or be paired with some “trivia experts”!
Advanced registration is $10 per CKAF member and $12 for non-members.
Payment at the door will be $12 for CKAF members and $14 for non-members.
Price includes snacks and a drink. Prizes for the winning team! And BYOB!!!
50/50 raffle will also be available, so bring some cash!!
Trivia night is for adults and KATY age participants only!
Friends and neighbors are welcome too!
Click Here to pay and follow the instructions below
1. Fill in your information at the top of the form (name, email, etc)
2. Under “Category” select “Trivia Night Fundraiser”
3. Under “other reason for donation” put in the number of people you are paying for
4. Under “Please Notify” put
5. For “Amount of contribution” put in the total amount paid based on the ticket prices above.
6. Click “Submit Payment” and put in your payment information on the next page.
Any questions, contact David Silberman at: