

Conversion: “Stepping In” to Jewish Life

Rabbi Ruth Sohn wrote that “to take the first step – to sing a new song – is to close one’s eyes and dive into unknown waters, for a moment knowing nothing, risking all… but then to discover… the waters are friendly, the ground is firm.” In an age without religious coercion, it can be said that we are all “Jews-by-choice.” But we know that, throughout our history, there have always been those who sought us out, who joined our ranks, and who made us stronger by the act of their commitment. All those who join the Jewish people do so with their own unique stories, their own sacred journeys, through their own personal choice.  Our clergy work with those exploring Judaism, whatever the outcome of that exploration may be. We provide gateways to Jewish life and entrance points to Jewish learning. And our students, in their journeys, often become our teachers through their words, their deeds, and their lives.  Please contact our rabbi if you are interested in converting to Judaism.